I’m developing a tui for lemmy :).

It’s in a very early stage of development, i’m looking forward to improve my Rust skills by working on this project (this is my first rust project)

  • DessalinesA
    3 years ago

    OMG I’ve wanted this so bad! Thank you for developing it! Let me know if you need any help, especially with creating a potential rust API for interacting with lemmy.

    Once its in usable shape, let me know and I’ll add it to joinlemmy, and a few other places.

  • @nutomicMA
    123 years ago

    FYI you could pull in this crate to reuse our api structs and not redefine everything. Problem is that it pulls in diesel and other stuff, so it will slow down clean builds a lot.

    • LunaticHackerOP
      93 years ago

      I’m not planning to implement the full api, so I’ll use it as a reference. thank you 🥰

    • DessalinesA
      83 years ago

      I’ve never messed with crate features, but maybe we could use that somehow…

      And unfortunately the views are defined in other crates too. It might be necessary to write a rust api client from scratch if more projects are going to use it.

  • @testman
    103 years ago

    I suggest you steal acquire as many features from rtv (and other terminal Reddit clients) as possible.

    • LunaticHackerOP
      3 years ago

      😂 porting those features to rust looks like a good exercise

  • @wiki_me
    33 years ago

    Would be nice to get some features from RES, also just showing when there are new comments (something like this).

    I also suggest adding github topics to make the project more discoverable (see lemmy github)