Title says it all! I’ll go first.

I’m doing my first re-read of LOTR since I first read it when I was in middle school ~15 yr ago. Just finished up Fellowship the other day and started Two Towers yesterday. It’s really fun to revisit it with an adult brain 😛 Up next after RotK will be Katherine Addison’s sequel to The Goblin Emperor, The Witness for the Dead

  • PeaceLaborMay
    4 years ago

    Erich Fromm’s Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism. Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Warrior Woman. Just finished Audre Lorde’s Zami: A New Spelling of My Name and moved on to her essays. Still am tackling Fromm’s The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness. Picking up Lenin’s assorted writings every now and then.