• SudoDnfDashYOP
      3 years ago

      So sorry I forgot, I will add it to the blog post.

      Edit: I added it at the bottom of the post.

      • Nice! Sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude! That’s just one of my pet peeves. :)

        I do appreciate the actual date being on the post though! Far too many blogs neglect the date entirely, and far too many use an annoying relative date (“written 3 days ago” or whatever).

        • SudoDnfDashYOP
          23 years ago

          I could that you weren’t trying to be rude. The date is automatic when using Jekyl for blogs.

    • SudoDnfDashYOP
      53 years ago

      I’m using Debian too. Building it from source is very easy and painless, but Trinity is a good option too.

        • @ajz
          2 years ago

          deleted by creator

  • Helix
    43 years ago

    While KDE comes with a lot of applications, there is almost nothing that comes with Lumina.

    KDE doesn’t come with a lot of applications, most of the stuff is optional. You also didn’t specify what you see as “applications” – are parts of the desktop “applications”? Which applications come with Lumina?

    I’m tired of giving feedback to your posts and I think I’ll stop now. It becomes clear to me that you’re unable to provide blog posts which contain more than a few sentences of your personal opinions.

  • @Peter1986c
    23 years ago

    What I remember from the last time I looked into this, when wanting a graphical login screen I still had dbus/*kit as a dependancy (and other apps probably require them too). This defeated the point of using Lumina in order to not have those deps, which is/was a main selling point. So I do not know whether this is a feasible alternative (for Linux users) to e.g. LxQt.

    *on Linux, mind you, not the BSD family of distros that Lumina is primarily written for.