Replies to this tweet:

The lady means well but is very misinformed. Poor Dimitri gets some of the most shit replies ever (not Sheila, she’s a little confused but she’s got the spirit lol):

“Let me talk to your manager” energy:

Are you trying to gaslight Dimitri?:

Babe, do tell why they’re against this resolution, out loud, quickly:

    • 陈卫华是我的英雄
      161 year ago

      You have no idea how many Americans die each year from entirely preventable kitchen appliance injuries because they don’t read well enough to understand the instructions.

      • JucheBot1988
        41 year ago

        I’m in the States, and to be honest, I’m surprised to see this country placed as high as it did.

    191 year ago

    Kong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are all part of China. Why the fuck are they represented separately on that rankings list?

      161 year ago

      Completely different educational policies. Better to rank HK separately: A lot of parents here in HK think they’re lucky to evade the ban on extracurricular tuition. They need to see how fucked that thinking is.

      They think their kids are getting superior education by not having a childhood and studying every waking moment. The fucked-up rat race culture here that you can’t push your kid hard enough and if they kill themselves from pressure they’re shaming you for being weak.

      But China is respecting the joint declaration and not interfering directly by stopping parents from grinding their kids to the bone.

      The current generation are going to be educated with the colonial self-hate purged from their education but they’re still going to be cooked with capitalist brain and the litany of mental health issues that come with it.

          61 year ago

          They’ve kept their word, so far. No socialist value systems on HK until 2047.

          Obviously the West constantly accuses them of breaking it (because of course they fucking do), but the Greater Bay Area’s economy is structured around HK being an interface with foreign capitalism and the actual decision makers behind foreign capitalism know that Beijing hasn’t broken its word on the agreement.

          Education has been through reforms since the 2019 riots. Now it involves making sure kids know what’s happening across the mainland. Historical education makes sure they know why they can’t have it here. Yet.

    • @roastpotatothief
      151 year ago

      They probably have separate educational regimes and policies.

  • DankZedong
    1 year ago

    If The Netherlands is 9th best and second best in Europe in maths, I really want to see what the rest of the world is up to regardings maths. Because I think it will be a very sad world.