The linked picture shows how it looks in Lemmur, but looking at it via the web client doesn’t show the association for either the user or the post itself. What’s going on here?

  • Katie Ampersand
    63 years ago

    The issue here is that the user is in sopuli, so Lemmur assumes “oh, they must be posting on a sopuli instance too” which is not the case. This is a bug with Lemmur

    People from any instance can perfectly post on communities from another instance as long as they allow federation with each other, that part’s perfectly normal and a sign that things are working fine

    • shilangyu (lemmur)
      3 years ago

      so Lemmur assumes “oh, they must be posting on a sopuli instance too”

      Actually no, we take the origin host of the post and display that. I think we misunderstood what origin host in the API actually indicates, I will have to investigate. This misunderstanding might manifest itself in more places