I for one love horror movies and any good movie that fits a holiday/season/theme particularly well. “Halloween” is the elephant in the room I’d like to address. I’ve seen it too many times, so I’m not watching it again. Maybe a newer Halloween but not the OG. Anything along the lines of Trick R Treat(I love that one) or Jennifer’s Body, Robert Altman’s Images, anything that fits a good fall/Halloween vibe. What movies come to mind?

    • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
      62 years ago

      Surprisingly, despite calling myself a horror fam, that’s been on my list a long while, I need to cross it off sooner or later because I hear so many spectacular things about it

    • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
      52 years ago

      It’s tough to beat an icon like that, Jason and Michael are great, but they don’t have the quips like Freddy does. Also the fact that he manipulates dreams fascinated me since I was a kid. Like think about it, if you EVER had a nightmare about Freddy, then the movie fulfilled its purpose and then some. I could seriously write an essay on how Freddy Krueger is THE perfect Horror villain, but I’d rather not lol

  • @darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
    102 years ago

    The Thing (1982) if you haven’t seen it.

    John Carpenter was just a great director IMO and did some very interesting stuff to say nothing of the politics of many (but not all, some are just movie fiction) movies being better than 95% of Hollywood.

    I also like classic horror though it’s not always scary but often interesting. Nosferatu (1922), Haxan (1922) are two of my silent favorites though I warn you Haxan is more an honorable mention as it’s a pseudo-documentary about witchcraft.

    Though I will say I don’t view horror as something scary so I’m in it for the humor, ambience, camp, etc. I love Vincent Price stuff for example. So if you’re after gore and killers The Thing is about the only one from my list that probably fits your interest. It’s isolating, it’s claustrophobic, it’s people being stalked, etc.

    I’d say Scream (1996) is pretty good but you’ve probably seen it, it’s a great send-up of slashers and I really enjoy it.

    Definitely agree on Alien/Aliens as being really good though.

    • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
      52 years ago

      The Thing deserves a second chance, I was very tired or stressed or idk what but it ruined my viewing of The Thing and I can’t remember anything of it bc I fell asleep like 20 min in. I do enjoy watching the occasional Vincent Price but he’s so corny that I just watch MST3K’s version of House on Haunted Hill for laughs, Scream was way better than I anticipated, such a twist for the at-the-time overdone and played out slasher genre.

  • @MILFCortana@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Personally watching Phantasm, Willy’s Wonderland (Nic Cage + Five Nights at Freddys), Terror Toons, The Frighteners, and Late Phases (already seen this one, it’s a gem about a blind senior vs. Werewolves)

    E: none really have that cozy fall halloween feel tho. Costume Quest has a tv show and is pure halloween, other shit on halloween or halloween-y: satan’s little helper, VHS, Night of the Demons I think takes place during a halloween party and is a classic, Tales of Halloween but it kinda sucks ngl, House October Built is also mehh but has the feel, Halloween 3!, and May, which is super underrated

    E2: forgot Terrifier and Terifier 2

    E3: Pumpkinhead, Idle Hands, Paranorman, Monster House, Ginger Snaps!!

    Oof I’ve watched too many halloween flicks

    • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
      42 years ago

      Omg I thought I was like the only person on Earth who watched Willy’s Wonderland(it basically is FNAF) lol Halloween 3 is such a trip, completely different from 1+2, so I may choose that one. I’ll check Terrifier bc it’s suggested to me frequently. Lastly, Monster House slaps and I’m spooked to watch Ginger Snaps but I may give it a go, thanks for the answers, this’ll keep my list fueled for a few more weeks

    • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
      32 years ago

      A Dario Argento film?! I like the way you think, comrade, I highly recommend Deep Red and Alice Sweet Alice if you enjoy that one

        • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
          32 years ago

          Ooooohhhhh I remember 9. That’s the one with the little sack guys in the apocalypse or something. Oh my god that just sent me back like a decade. Yes! I’m totally gonna watch that I forgot everything about that movie besides what the characters look like, that movie had such great atmosphere and a good way of developing the characters. Thanks for you comment lol I seriously forgot abt that film for SOO long and I finally remember it

            • KiG V2
              22 years ago

              Hello!!! I’ve been pretty solid, very busy working on an album and moving!! How have you been doing? How is life? I have 180+ unread notifications so I always feel negligent coming back here, checking 10 of them but then writing 20+ comments lmao

    • KiG V2
      12 years ago

      Watched this movie when I was in highschool on some Real Bad Drugs ™, I barely remember it but I remember it was very unique and very captivating.

  • Muad'Dibber
    72 years ago

    80s horror is my halloween jam. The thing, lost boys, Poltergeist, john carpenter’s the fog, they live, pet cemetary, evil deads, the fly, gremlins, beetlejuice.

    • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
      52 years ago

      I NEED to watch the Fog, I was closing shop last night for my job and I had to lock up doors, the fog outside of the store(all the fog coming from an empty large park too😈spooky) and when I went outside there was so much fog I could barely see the ground, that atmosphere had me thinking about watching that movie

      • Muad'Dibber
        32 years ago

        Its very underrated IMO. Carpenter builds an incredible atmosphere of fear and guilt in that movie.

  • bruhbeans
    62 years ago

    I like the really weird shit Disney put out in the 70s, specifically Watcher in the Woods and The Black Hole. Return to Oz is also a great horror movie with some terrifying imagery and extra grim undertones.

    • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
      32 years ago

      70s-80s Disney was going through a weird phase and they completely rebranded with Little Mermaid, idk how reliable the claim is, but apparently Disney was thinking about closing down at one point before they got their popularity boost, I’ll be sure to check out Spooky Disney

  • savoy
    62 years ago

    Horror films are my absolute JAM. There are too many that I’d say are must-watches but I will always recommend Alien. It’s one of my favorite films of all time.

  • KiG V2
    52 years ago

    I am not familiar with hardly any classic horrors, but I love love love arthouse horror. Here’s some of my favorite:


    V V I T C H - Great production value, they put a lot of work into really transplanting you to the time and mindset of isolated colonial America.

    mother! - Oh, you have anxiety around people? Interesting…be a shame if someone…idk…cranked it up to 30?

    Midsommar - Deeply emotional in a way that makes you feel sickly.

    Hereditary - Family decay.

    The Lighthouse - Probably my current favorite. Slow creep, [REDACTED]. Another great quality period piece.

    American Psycho - Classic.

    Get Out - Modern Classic.

    Vivarium - Suburban Hellscape, Hooray!

    Nightingale - Deeply disturbing…nothing supernatural here. Based depiction of New Zealand colonial times–yet another great period piece.

    The Innocents - An interesting little vignette…upsetting.

    Honorable Mentions: The Wailing, Saint Maud, Cube