I for one love horror movies and any good movie that fits a holiday/season/theme particularly well. “Halloween” is the elephant in the room I’d like to address. I’ve seen it too many times, so I’m not watching it again. Maybe a newer Halloween but not the OG. Anything along the lines of Trick R Treat(I love that one) or Jennifer’s Body, Robert Altman’s Images, anything that fits a good fall/Halloween vibe. What movies come to mind?

  • KiG V2
    52 years ago

    I am not familiar with hardly any classic horrors, but I love love love arthouse horror. Here’s some of my favorite:


    V V I T C H - Great production value, they put a lot of work into really transplanting you to the time and mindset of isolated colonial America.

    mother! - Oh, you have anxiety around people? Interesting…be a shame if someone…idk…cranked it up to 30?

    Midsommar - Deeply emotional in a way that makes you feel sickly.

    Hereditary - Family decay.

    The Lighthouse - Probably my current favorite. Slow creep, [REDACTED]. Another great quality period piece.

    American Psycho - Classic.

    Get Out - Modern Classic.

    Vivarium - Suburban Hellscape, Hooray!

    Nightingale - Deeply disturbing…nothing supernatural here. Based depiction of New Zealand colonial times–yet another great period piece.

    The Innocents - An interesting little vignette…upsetting.

    Honorable Mentions: The Wailing, Saint Maud, Cube