• @0x1C3B00DA
        14 years ago

        A hello world in Javascript is a single line script in node and deno.

        console.log("Hello world");

        That’s not bloated by any definition.

        • Ephera
          74 years ago

          That code snippet alone is not bloated, no. But that you need to launch basically a web browser to run it, that’s very fucking bloated.

          Or in different terms, a Hello World in assembler is a lot more code, but I don’t think, anyone would call that “bloat”.

          • @0x1C3B00DA
            14 years ago

            Javascript is not the only, or even the first, interpreted language. Having a VM doesn’t mean a language is bloated

            • Ephera
              34 years ago

              I don’t think, the word “bloated” is clearly enough defined to have an argument over it. And this meme was merely insinuating that you need a lot of RAM to run a Hello World written in JavaScript, which is true, because its VM is a browser.

              Also, I would generally call other interpreted languages “bloated”, too. I mean, Python is horrendously slow.
              Even Java and the likes, which get compiled to “Byte Code” and then this Byte Code is interpreted by the JVM, is still a language which I consider “bloated”, unless it’s used for large-scale applications where the JVM overhead really doesn’t matter anymore.

            • @Stoned_Ape
              4 years ago

              That depends on the runtime environment I’d say.

          • @0x1C3B00DA
            14 years ago

            The hyperbole is about Electron, though, not Javascript. Any script you write in Bash, Ruby, Lua, etc can be written in Javascript in a reasonable size.

          • @AgreeableLandscapeM
            14 years ago

            Eh, if you consider all the node modules as part of your codebase, even something basic written in Vue, Angular or Electron could well be near that size.

  • @AgreeableLandscapeM
    4 years ago

    Meanwhile people writing games that can fit into a boot sector.

  • @Watcher@discuss.tchncs.de
    510 months ago

    The same goes with mobile apps then and now. I remember a time when Instagram was about 20-30mb large and today it’s like 200mb and more.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      210 months ago

      The bloat in modern software is just incredible, meanwhile there’s very little new functionality for the users. Things just get slower and buggier as opposed to better in any tangible terms.

  • Fantasmita
    310 months ago

    512KiB for a game ? Pfffff In the 80’s they ran Elite on a computer that have half of that on RAM A game that simulated the economy of galaxies and rendered 3d graphics !

    • Ram
      410 months ago

      It’s an impressive game, 100%, but I don’t think the comparison is quite so straightforward. Pokemon had only 8 KB working RAM, 4 shades of colour, and the cart only had 373 KiB stored on it. But the GameBoy CPU was over double the speed of the of the BBC Micro or the Acorn Electron.

      Both are really impressive games for their size; though Elite’s no doubt more impressive for its time given Pokemon Red/Green released after 5 years of development to an already quite aged handheld, and ended up undergoing a full revision to patch out the bugs with Pokemon Blue version a half year later.

      I think the real king is ET, a multicolor game with a layered gameworld, and detailed graphics on just a 1.2MHz CPU, 128 bytes of RAM, with less than 6KB on the cartridge. The game made a few mistakes that cost it any recognition, but it’s a really impressive game given its hardware and time.

    • akari
      110 months ago

      btw, client wants a new feature… can you finish it by friday?