• JucheBot1988OP
      2 years ago

      Exactly, these libs don’t seem to realize that human beings controlling the world around them is actually good. We don’t oppose environmental destruction out of some stupid reverence for “Mother Nature;” we oppose it because if you destroy the planet, you’ll end up destroying humanity as well.

      Fortunately, while the libs whine, China is out turning entire deserts into arable land.

      • @personwithakeyboard
        142 years ago

        human beings controlling the world around them is actually good

        That’s not good on its own. The idea that we are above nature, that we are on the same level as gods is what brought us on the brink of self destruction.

        It also created a society of individualistic psychopaths, where it’s seen as natural and normal to only care for ourselves or, at best, for ourselves and our families and that’s it.

    • Ratette (she/her)
      2 years ago

      Right so I googled the article and its an awful lot of misplaced blame.

      Her take:

      • it’s racist because Native Americans are usually the most affected because of where the fuel is excavated etc.
      • it’s sexist because research has suggested that women are more vulnerable to radiation exposure and that all exposure limits in plants are made using a male as a the reference standard for acceptable radiation exposure.
      • it’s ageist for the same reason it’s sexist.

      I do see the articles points but it’s failing to assign the blame correctly.

      Nuclear power isn’t the problem is it? Its the American system that is. That system that exploits native land and exposes native Americans to radiation, the system that refuses to acknowledge potential biological differences because its easier and cheaper to hold all workers to one standard and the system that couldn’t give two shits about its staff wellbeing.

      Her points would track if she wasn’t hammering the wrong cause of these issues.

      It’s not the nuclear power itself but the callous attitudes if American legislators and plant owners in this case.

      • Yes, it’s clearly not the concept of nuclear power that’s the problem. There are actual problems with it that aren’t present for other energy-converting methods, but AFAICT it’s a far better solution than continuing to use fossil fuels, and this article seems to be more about “nuclear power is bad” rather than “the particular way in which nuclear power is used in the US is bad”

        • Ratette (she/her)
          82 years ago

          Yep, there isn’t a better solution to meet the energy needs of the world currently.

          I’m all for renewable energy but with climate change and systemic corruption + insane energy demands of industrialised counties, solar and wind just can’t cut it currently AFAIK.

          Thorium reactors are a promising alternative to standard nuclear but the nuclear lobby shut that shit down which is ironic because the fossil fuel lobby is shutting standard nuclear down 🙃 normal economic system.

          Yeah it is, any reasonable point the article could of made is lost in its blatantly bias bad take on nuclear energy.

  • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    102 years ago

    Fuck off and die. Like seriously just fuck the fuck off and die in a ditch somehwere. Jesus Christ fucker shit I’m so tired of seeing litterally the dumbest fucking shit imaginable come out of these fucks just because some oligarch piece of dogshit (no offence to actual canine feces) shits dollars at them.