That’s funny! Coming from the same country that’s ruled by Nazis.

    242 years ago

    I was on the first ever pride in my city. We were assaulted by the same shitfuckers who are currently posing as our defenders. They will gladly put a bullet in every last one LGBTQ+ person here, given a chance.

    But when did the liberal LGBT-communities had integrity or a memory better than one of a goldfish?

          62 years ago

          Are you safe, for one thing? Stupid question, I know, but is there any open fighting where you are? And what is the general situation on the ground for you? I keep getting mixed messages from various sources.

            72 years ago

            No fighting in my yard, but the city is getting rocket strikes almost every night. My part of it remained mostly intact, some are not.

            Situation on the ground is… Well, there’s electricity, internet, water, shops are open, life goes on. But at the same time there are barricades on major crossroads, soldiers are everywhere and conscription squads trying to grab as many men as they can from the streets. All in all, I hate it here.

    192 years ago

    It’s the same old tactic of pretending to be “For everything good”, while the “enemy” is “for everything bad”. Do you like puppies? Well Putin probably kicks puppies every day! We know it from an anonymous source that is definetely not made up!

    • Muad'DibberM
      122 years ago

      Ukraine be like:

      • 86% of Ukrainians in 2016 believe homosexuality should not be accepted.
      • Transgenderism is a psychological disorder
      • Gays aren’t allowed to marry
      • Gays aren’t allowed to adopt
      • Conversion therapy camps for minors :thumbsup:
    • Anarcho-Bolshevik
      92 years ago

      Don’t worry, I’m sure that after the neoimperialists shatter Russia, then they’ll get to work on improving living standards for queer folks… eventually… maybe… if we hope hard enough…

    132 years ago

    I can’t believe they think Putin’s ideology is homophobia despite Ukraine banning leftist communities and seizing their assets. These communities are literally the ones that fight for LGBTQ+ rights, and Ukraine goes ahead and bans them. How can this slip over shitlibs heads?!

  • Drstrange2love
    102 years ago

    This is only for propaganda purposes, after the west takes their eyes off, they will go back to oppressing LGBTA+.

  • Obvious stuff aside, how daft is that title?

    “Hi, sutdents, today we’re going to study ideology of Vladimir Putin. Flip your textbooks to page 1488 and let’s discuss homophobic way of production.”

    It’s an attribute of the superstructure, you dumbass libs…

  • AmiceseOP
    1 year ago

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