Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home <3 In the time honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

We are excited to announce a new discord server for Trans Communists. Check it out! https://discord.gg/WqcjV2sZ

Also check out our telegram https://t.me/real_genzedong!


  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    212 years ago

    Big props to the mods for keeping this place safe from libs and revisionists. Seeing what happened to the subreddit and discord really had me worried, but it seems that lemmygrad is our last bastion. Defend it well!

    • KiG V2
      62 years ago

      What happened to the Discord? And are you just referencing the GZD ban?

      • ☭CommieWolf☆
        62 years ago

        that and there was a load of drama with the mods. Luckily I think we weeded out the troublemakers.

  • DankZedong
    112 years ago

    What’s that site where you can find a lot of leftist literature? I forgor

    • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
      82 years ago

      Hello Chinese looks fun to start. I believe you will need back up material, like a pirated language course with book+audio, to reach an intermediate level. LingQ offers graded reading material if you don’t find enough on Libgen. Italki is an app to get a (paid) language tutor if you ever have the money to afford a class.

      I’m sorry if I’m old school but I haven’t found a gamefied language app that will make you reach a high enough level. The old method of a self managed language course plus graded readers still reign supreme.

      • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.ml
        52 years ago

        Definitely. I think an app would be a good way to start though. I learned how to play guitar from one of those silly apps, so stuff like that can be useful as a starting point.

        But I agree, you need to do hard work to really learn.

        • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
          52 years ago

          I wanted to be really cheeky and say “LibreTorrent, Moon Reader+ and VLC player” but I didn’t. I’m a saint.

          Check out apps like Viki, iQiYi and WeTV to familiarize yourself with the way Chinese sounds. YouTube has an impressive collection of Chinese dramas as well. Be careful though, Chinese dramas are usually dubbed over so don’t get shocked if you don’t think mouth movements and the sounds match. Chinese YouTubers can help you understand the way a person normally looks when they speak.

          The perk about dubbed dramas is that the voice actors have real good Mandarin pronunciation.

    • @ZeroGravity
      -12 years ago

      Not very useful unless you plan to move

  • KiG V2
    102 years ago

    Also also, I drank so much coffee and now I’m TWEAKED. Legbouncelegbouncelegbouncepacepacepacepacepacepacelegbouncelegbouncepacepacepace

    • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
      102 years ago

      I hope you don’t struggle with anxiety because that would suck. Fucked up that coffee is so tasty yet it has a psychoactive drug.

      • KiG V2
        32 years ago

        Yes I do. But I also have ADHD and need something sometimes to pick up and stay focused. I actually didn’t drink coffee for like 6 years but I just recently started again, usually I only drink 1 cup or take 2.5mg of my prescribed ritalin (very little amount) when I have some serious volume of work to do (1-3x a week) but I wanted to get BEEG BEEEEG work done so I drank 3 cups and 5mg.

        I also have a bizarre and unhinged way I deal with my mental health sometimes, like regarding my anxiety I often prescribe myself “exposure therapy,” as in “Just sit in it and suffer, it’ll get better! Willpower!” On one hand I think it might actually help a little bit in the long term, on the other hand just boiling in anxiety is no bueno for my health, but I definitely am against taking anti-anxiety meds and it has gotten much better over the years. Coffee is definitely a necessity in my schedule for the last month.

        There’s always decaf coffee for taste! I do love the black coffee taste. I’m a dark chocolate, IPA kind of guy, if it tastes like bitter stale dirt I’ll love it lol.

        • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
          22 years ago

          If you aren’t teaching yourself that the situation isn’t dangerous, like making yourself comfortable when exposed to the trigger, you could end up making your anxiety worse. It’s good that you aren’t avoidant, just remember that getting better is more than just pulling teeth through triggers.

          I’m a little jealous though. If I drank that much coffee I’d be shitting myself constantly. Probably get a hole in my stomach as well.

          • KiG V2
            12 years ago

            Hm, good point.

            The worst that will happen to me is I will NOT sleep. No matter how much later in the day. So miserable. Only happens once every blue moon tho.

    • DankZedong
      2 years ago

      I’m Dutch but I moved to Belgium. Apparently, Dutch people are known for their strong coffee.

      When I first started working at my job I sometimes made coffee for more people. They couldn’t drink it lmao. Some also got bouncing legs and stuff. They put up a note on the coffee machine that said you could use no more than 1.5 scoops of grounds when making coffee.

      I now just make coffee for myself. I’m not going to drink brown tasteless water, thank you.

      • KiG V2
        22 years ago

        Coffee so strong it can benchpress a fridge 💪 yes please

  • KiG V2
    72 years ago

    How many narcissists do you know IRL? I’m losing track myself.

    • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.ml
      32 years ago

      Has anyone come across research on capitalism and narcissistic personality disorder? I’ve met tons of people IRL that seem to have it.

      • KiG V2
        22 years ago

        I’ve always wondered if it was particularly an American thing, like the result of people spoiling their kids and just the general culture. Mix in social media and the horrible fuckers that are celebrities for kids on such platforms, it certainly seems to reward certain narcissistic/sociopathic behaviors.

        But yeah, I’m an American I know, off the top of my head, 3 sociopaths and 8-11 narcissists (either vulnerable, grandiose or both). None of these people are confirmed diagnosed but I would stake my reputation on it, most of them are so glaringly textbook, meeting every criterion so hard it’s frankly ridiculous when other people that know them try to deny it (I get vulnerable narcissists are harder for people to pin than the grandiose type but still).

        I definitely think there could be a scientific study done that would find clear ties between the two.

        • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
          12 years ago

          Personality disorders are such a bullshit diagnosis. Only purpose they serve is allow mental health professionals to mistreat you. A lot of pseudo-science around them as well.

  • KiG V2
    62 years ago

    Also, made a shitload of guacamole. It’s so good. Be mad.

  • DankZedong
    42 years ago

    Remember to work out. And if you do, remember to smash those fucking weights through the roof.

  • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    12 years ago

    This place isn’t Reddit, I know I won’t get banned for hating fascists here, and yet I still don’t feel safe saying what I really feel. Who knows how many agencies are combing Lemmy right now looking for a reason to shut us down?