US agencies have directly and indirectly trained and empowered Nazis and ultra-nationalists at home and abroad to fight Russians in Ukraine. This program follows the blueprint established by Western intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Syria. From 1978 (not ’79 as many believe), the administration of Jimmy Carter decided to “draw the Russians into the Afghan trap,” in the words of the President’s National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski. US intelligence called on its British counterparts to activate networks of Afghan fighters. […]
Europe is headed for some fun times with a bunch of well armed nazis roaming around.
The US government would have been perfectly happy with Hitler and a facsist Eastern Europe. Henry Ford would have given him the trucks to make the job easier. When AH invaded Western Europe, he turned public opinion against him.
i don’t think that was it, it happened with hitlers default. because who invested in the 3rd Reich? all the former slaveowner - now moguls - transhumanist eugenicist oligarchs in the United states. especially the ones with european or feudal roots or connection to the british. f.e. the Vanderbuilts, the Bushes, the Rockefellers, the Duponts, JpMorgans and even some rothschildts. (the family is big, like the british crown, parts of it supported hitler).
After they lost their slaves they saw new opportunities for cheap labour in europe and sidelineing US labour law improvements by useing the cheap labour promised by the third reich which was cracking down on unions, subverting and unifiying them under NSDAP leadership (actually, this was hitlers greatest coup, he had been a paid military spy working for bismarck and hindenburg in the emerging socialist movements and workers movements of germany). And Hitler promised to revert the revolutions in france and russia, which had cost them so much and had removed quite a few heads of people who had feudal relatives all over europe - now very fond of hitler -, afraid to be next. especially the ones whose heads were ripe for a plucking after the debacle and misery which WW1 and the treaty of versailles brought over starving and wounded german people - but not their former feudal leaders… so germany was ripe for revolution and hitler was paid to drown it in blood and turn it against the other two revolutions, potentially reverting them and reinstalling the feudal families. while also covering up the tracks of them disappearing the german & european wealth into their own pockets by killing their accountants and hiding all their wealth and land in “incorporations” now corporations&bank assets. and feudal families tended to have jewish private bankers. granted jews were a minority among bankers but among private bankers, they were pretty sought after. by killing them off, hitler effectively removed most of the traces of their wealth and disconnected the peoples perception from their old masters and how they were responsibly. hitler actually succeeded in these goals. and we are suffering the consequences. i personally think he evaded captureing and ended in argentina. but that’s just me, on the other hand i guess there must have been quite the amount of people who would want to see him dead even after an escape. and by that i mean his own former funders
a good read is “The order of the day” by Eric Vuillard
The Germans built better trucks than ford ever did.
lol there is already nazis bandalizing stuff in grece and whereabouts. If these were sudanese refugees you would’ve heard more about it
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well, i guess we have enough chechens russians serbs, afghans, pakistani, indians and syrians all over the place who are already here for years and hate these fucks with a passion. europe is safer thx to previous migrations