still too many cars
In Seoul right now. I agree there are too many cars, but it’s way better than other countries I’ve lived in!
Koreans would kill me for saying this, but check out Japan for doing a better job at getting rid of cars.
Super glad to see they restored that stream. Streams in cities were seen as “in the way”, and are often funneled into storm sewers, or even the combined storm+sanitary sewer system depending the age of the city, but streams are extremely important ecologically.
Korea is big on streams. I wish they were clean enough to actually play in, but I appreciate seeing them everywhere.
Changed in only a year!
Do you know what encouraged this change? I’m sure people here need no convincing of why those roads for cars in cities should be removed, but what convinced those who had the authority to change it?
Something is better than nothing, although there is 4 lane elevated freeway 300 meters away