So the work I do is 100% remote now. I moved to Southern California because of an industry that has in part moved to remote work. My only requirements are a temperate climate, nature access and hopefully a blue-ish state. Is there a place out there that makes sense financially? I’m hoping to buy a house less then 500k. I don’t need access to large cities as I honestly don’t do anything. The only requirement I can think of is access to solid internet as I stream full screen video for what I do.

I’m currently looking at Michigan and Virginia as options.

    2 years ago

    Honestly it’s a crap shoot…this past year winter was relatively mild but two years ago we had the most snow we have ever gotten since recording snowfall…summer can range from mild to Vietnam levels of heat and humidity…but the nice weather generally starts late March and ends late October…so most of the year is shorts and hoodie weather.