I have been dealing with acid reflux since 2017; (I think it’s LPR; GERD usually includes heartburn; I don’t have hearburn.)

  • I spit a lot after eating stuff.
  • The lemon-scented lime-scented lysol wipes made my reflux worse (I spit even more).q

The acid reflux started after I moved homes. I also changed schools; I didn’t really like the school I was changing to.

Acid reflux would not probably be so bad if I just had acid reflux. However, I also have Autism and ADHD; ADHD makes me eat a lot of stuff, which sucks because eating smaller meals is important for recovery. :(

  • DerPapa69
    3 years ago

    Have you tried proton pump inhibitors? One tiny capsule of omeprazole makes my acid reflux go away for hours within seconds after swallowing it