Hey Lemmings

I think maybe I’m just a bit anxious right now.

But I don’t know what to expect.

I already go to a psychologist once a week, since my early teens (although I had some time off until now).

Should I expect the same dynamics?

I know why I’m going and all, I know what I wanna “treat”, but I’m still in doubt about if what I want to treat is the treatment I need, and it would be more of a consequence of some deeper stuff.

Don’t know if I made myself clear, but there it is.

Has anyone been to one before? What should I expect? How it went for you?

Edit: so, I did it and it was VERY NICE. He was very welcoming and made me feel very secure. He ended up prescribing two medications for me, to which I expressed some concerns, but he made me feel comfortable and trust him about it. When he was talking and said something about “having a normal life again” I almost cried lol.

  • GuyDudeman
    1 year ago

    Good luck! Whatever you do, know that you’re not alone and that these professionals’ jobs are to make you feel like you can make it through the day, at the very least! So make sure they do their jobs. Don’t ever feel like you’re wasting their time or anything, which is what I struggled with. They’re there to help you.

    I’m also glad you girlfriend is a psychologist. My wife has helped me through so much stuff, and she isn’t a psychologist, she’s a baker. But without her, I wouldn’t be here. And I certainly wouldn’t have sought help if she hadn’t helped me realize that what I was experiencing could be alleviated with help from professionals.