Don’t know if this goes here or in /AskLemmy, but just wanted to know the best FOSS social networks, why are there so good? What would be the propietary equivalent?

  • Jay Baker (he/they)
    3 years ago

    Interesting. I guess it depends on how people define “left” and “right” and whether they see them as having equal dominance in our capitalist world. Some claim China to be communist whereas it’s essentially state capitalism and still an oppressive hierarchical system. I am essentially, I guess, what people might define as a libertarian socialist or anarcho-communist, so some might see me as very leftist, whereas others still claim Corbynistas or Bernie supporters or even Democrats in general are leftist - many social democrats and even centre-right politicians claim to be socialists or leftists.

    Centrism has protected the capitalist status quo for so long it’s arguably stifled meaningful alternatives and contributed to the emergence of Brexit, Trump, Bolsonaro, conspiracy theorists, Covid denialists, and fascism. Free speech doesn’t include hate speech. Those intolerant views shouldn’t be tolerated because that itself leads to the eradication of tolerance (too numerous examples from history on that one).

    To push safe spaces into the shadows is to cede ground culturally to such bigotry - in fact, the bigotry is what must be pushed away, with no room to breathe. In a fairer, non-hierarchical, anarchist society, rather than the current capitalist status quo of destruction, I think people’s troubles would be tackled, and we’d find people weren’t, at their core, intolerant or bigoted, they were just discontent and couldn’t comprehend why. Fascism preys on the poor and exploits their irrational fears.

    We must ask ourselves what kind of world we want to live in, and act on it - “build the new world in the shell of the old.” So codes of conduct and safe spaces online are really very important, and the broader they become, the more common they become, and the more positive change is achieved.

    • GenkiFeral
      3 years ago

      look: the cancel-culture has gone too far! I agreed with Whoopi saying Jews are white. i had a fling with a Syrian Sephardi jew (hung like a camel - to quote his own cousin) and he was WHITE. not as pale as me and maybe a bit darker-skinned than most Ashkenazim, but he and they are/were white. that is a neutral statement and neither good nor bad. its a fact - although scientists say race as we describe it today is incorrect and that there is only the human race, but people only like science when they cherrypick facts. Some Jews say they aren’t a race (again, race is scientifically inaccurate0, but an ethnicity. So, on job or gov’t applications, does it list Jew as ethncity? If so, where is Slav? Slavs are the largest ethnic group in Europe and often the butt of jokes (Poles, at least). Or, Mayan. Mayans aren’t Mexican, but Mayan and once had their own nation. Mayans aren’t Incan…many Incans and Mayans are now Mexican, but they have their own ethnicity. Not all native Americans share the same DNA - mainly since there were 2+ Berengian crossings…so, many tribes have their own ethnicty. So, why are Jews able to suspend Whoopi? I am no fan of Whoopi, but she said nothing wrong. Whoopi is an example among many. People talk about ableism, yet autistic people and some personality types have some trouble differentiating these new isms, these tiny distinctions. Why was it okay for a doctor to label a patient ‘mentally removed’ 20 years ago, but the same doctor today would be called politically incorrect for calling a man with Down’s Syndrome ‘mentally removed’ when he works in a facility with others who are ‘mentally removed’ but do not have Down’s Syndrome. They are in a subgroup. Why can I get called ethnocentric (or worse) for saying eating dogs in the USA should remain illegal, but when a Korean (a few said it) says it, he is just stating an opinion. Supposedly, because Asians (and now some Africans) eat dogs and cats in their native lands, they think they should be able to eat them here, too…and breed or cage them for meat. Those are just examples. But, I promised myself upon signing up that I wouldn’t discuss controversial topics, but here I am breaking my own rule.