I posted this question because I once saw a tweet that said something like:

“If you use adblock, you don’t care about creator’s point blank”

What is your opinion on this? Do you agree with them?

  • MrFunnyMoustache
    1 year ago

    I stopped caring about the ethics of ad—blocking, I got sick of seeing scams, gambling ads, and shitty mobile games, crappy services that no one actually benefits from, and malware. I have ZERO tolerance for these sorts of ads. If an app has ads, I immediately uninstall it; if a website blocks adblockers, I stop using it.

    The type of ads I might be willing to accept would be contextual ads (rather than personalised ones), and they should be individually vetted by either the content creators, or their community. If I visit a Linux forum, stuff like Linode or Tuxedo Computers would be effective, if I visit a Kendo forum, ads for shinai and other kendo supplies make sense, since we are the target audience, and there is no need to violate people’s privacy for this ad model. These ads would need to be non-intrusive, and not take too much space as well, and not over content, and certainly not staying on the screen as I am scrolling.

    This is why when watching YouTube videos, I block ads, but I don’t block sponsors.

    • Vithar
      1 year ago

      I like to think, If the adds your showing aren’t worth your effort to vet and approve, then they aren’t worth my effort to look at. If you have a real product to plug, plug it in line with your content, get revenue from doing so, leave the casino adds back in the past.