My wife’s phone dies every. single. day. and I don’t know why she doesn’t just charge it at night.

I’m just wondering how people live like this 😅

  • Atemu
    2 years ago

    30 min is not really “fast” charging. Assuming 0%-100% on a 4Ah battery, that’s just 30W.

    Also, you don’t fast charge to 100%. The idea is to get more like +50% in a few minutes. Assuming 4Ah battery again, that’s +2Ah which is 7.4 Wh at 3.7V.

    You won’t charge from 0% though. You’re probably still well over 25% before you start charging but let’s say you’re at 25%. With 60W, you’d be at 75% in 7.5 min.

    That’s fast charging and why it’s useful: Those 75% will last you through the day and it took you <10 minutes to reach it.

    What’s frustrating is not fast charging, it’s that your charging speed simply isn’t very fast.