So at work today, the discussion of household heating and gas/electricity bills came up (entering winter Down Under), and I commented that we have our central heating set to 14 Celsius (approx 57 Freedoms) overnight, and off during the day/evening. We find that 14 is quite comfortable under a fluffy doona/duvet. I was warmly mocked (well natured), and informed that something closer to 24C (75F) is appropriate, day and night.

Surely not… right?

    2 years ago

    what you’re doing is what I want to do - do you have any suggestions for links to/communities on lemmy or other federated platforms? liked vandwellers back on reddit a lot but cant find something similar here.

    my rig is a 1987 Ford/Grumman Kabmaster, it’s been in the shop for a while now.

      2 years ago

      Not OP but I haven’t found one yet (though I haven’t looked exhaustively). I think it would be popular if you made a community though!

      VanLife, Teardrop trailers…

    • fratermus
      2 years ago

      do you have any suggestions for links to/communities on lemmy or other federated platforms?

      I’ve been poking around but haven’t found anything. Giving serious thought to starting a community (lemmy) or magazine (kbin) but haven’t picked a side yet as a post-reddit home. I’d like to include carfolk since there are many shared challenges.

      my rig is a 1987 Ford/Grumman Kabmaster,

      Outstanding rig. There were no stepvans available around me at the time I was buying because of a Perfect Storm:

      • food truck craze - anything vaguely operable was snatched up
      • “hork every 4bt for rockcrawler jeeps” craze
      • “scrap the abandoned backyard projects because aluminum prices just spiked” craze :-(

      I still covet those straight walls and all that roof real estate for panel. I drive very little and even then at ~55mph so I think I would have been quite happy in one.

      it’s been in the shop for a while now

      Hopefully it will emerge victorious and not require you to sell off any children to pay the bill. :-)