• @nutomicA
    2 years ago

    I dont think this is accidental as the article makes it sound. If companies actually had to pay a living wage to maintainers of all the open source software they use, they couldnt make a profit (and go bankrupt). Exploiting open source developers is essentially part of the business model of any software company.

    The solution for developers is to make projects which companies cant use. For example by picking a license like AGPL.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      232 years ago

      Yeah absolutely, and this is precisely why there has been such a crusade against GPL to convince devs to use permissive licenses so that the corps could just leech off all that work with no strings attached.

    • @ganymede
      192 years ago

      exactly, there’s insane exploitation going on… yet the headline is “opensource is broken”???

      how about “fathomless corporate greed is breaking everything”?

      • DessalinesA
        152 years ago

        I do like this meme they linked that perfectly describes digital enclosure of the commons / primitive accumulation: