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Email is inherently insecure. If you want or need secure communications, that’s what software like Briar, Matrix, or Signal (yes despite some drama).

Secure emails can always be done manually with PGP and will be a lot hardier than trusting an organization that gives away subscriber payments to Western-backed coup attempts and color revolutions.

    • @X51
      22 years ago

      In 1998, someone did a finger search on the email server I was using and it returned my personal info. The lack of privacy at the time horrified me. I started a website dedicated to privacy. That attracted visits from every branch of the Federal govt. It also attracted stalkers trying to negate what I was advocating. I keep multiple layers between my online activities. You’d be amazed at how persistent people can be to silence you for having a difference in opinion to them. The layers don’t give me more privacy, but they do shine a spotlight on stalkers. One anonymous email provider posted on his site… If you plan on doing anything illegal, be aware that the FBI visited him daily and he was on a first name basis with the agents.