• @poVoq
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @k_o_t
      53 years ago

      [this comment started as a constructive piece, but ended up being a little bit of a soul pour, read at your own discretion]

      damn, this shit happens where i live so often

      because of immense wealth inequality in my country, as soon as someone becomes suddenly rich, they do as much as humanly possible to disassociate themselves from poor people, primarily by never moving their ass in anything but the most ugly, expensive and loud cars ever

      i rode the bike around the city A LOT this summer, and the times i had to dismount because of these mfs, who were parked in bike lanes, sidewalks, street crossings (i’m normally a very calm person, but this shit just makes me instantly so angry)

      normally I don’t want to spend any more attention on these assholes than necessary, so normally i would just dismount, take photos of their car from every side and, if possible, insult them in the most creative way that I can come up with, so that you can later submit these pics and they’ll receive a fine, and they mostly drive away, but every once in a while a fat bodyguard or person himself would get out and try to intimidate me and cover the license plates; there are NOT pleasant or intelligent people I can tell you, arguing with them is like trying to prove to a frog that bread doesn’t grown on trees

      you can feel that disgusting feel of perceived superiority radiating from them, how they don’t give a shit about anything but themselves, how toxis of a person they are in general

      it is a moments like these that you understand why billionaires exist, and don’t just stop earning money after a few hundreds of millions, you understand why governments couldn’t give a shit about climate change, or about half of their country dying in poverty

      these people are human manifestations of rotting potatoes (sorry potatoes, you don’t deserve this comparison), the most disgusting pit a human soul can sink into, they would rather die than cooperate with others, or admit they’re wrong, or even entertaint the possibility that they might be wrong

      what makes it all worse, is that these are the kind of people that the power hierarchies reward, and these are the kinds of people that create dumb rules, these are the kinds of right wing imbeciles that prohibit abortions, criminalize drugs, cut welfare programs etc

      anyway, this is how i became an anarchist lol

        • @k_o_t
          43 years ago

          so just as i finished writing the comment, i got a notification from one of the telegram channels I’m subscribed to that primarily writes about leftist urbanism, linking to the document outlining the budget allocation for 2022 in my city

          guess what: it’s billions for for automobile road construction and maintenance/repair, and LITERALLY ZERO for bicycle infrastructure, like it’s literally zero, not a very small amount, but void, you can’t buy an ice cream for that sum

          god please help me

          • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
            23 years ago

            Oh no that’s so bad. I guess people still see car infrastructure as important for the local economy and don’t realize that with better public transit and better bike infrastructure the cars that want to go somewhere have more space.

            Car infrastructure is horrible, doesn’t scale well and it’s so expensive… Cars alone are horribly expensive. Argh I understand you. Here in Berlin they are currently trying to build a highway in the middle of the city. Even the social democrat party is very pro car in Germany, we are fucked :(

            • @k_o_t
              23 years ago

              damn, that sucks, stay strong 😬

              you prolly know this, but there was (is) a proposal to ban cars in berlin, at least you have some hope hehe

              • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
                3 years ago

                Yeah but the next stage of them collecting signatures won’t start until mid 2022, so it’s going to take a while

                Edit: I will help them, I think they have very good ideas. People objecting always say: “Isn’t it a bit extreme to ban all cars, what about deliveries or disabled people”, but they literally just allow them to go about their business. It’s funny since I read that objection so many times, but the crazy ban cars people have accounted for it…