Users: 380 (well for several months :check mark:)
Posts: 312 (not good :cross mark:, should be > 3 per non-banned user)
Comments: 317 (:white question mark:)

There might be something wrong in users’ interest in Lemmy :sad but relieved face:

      -111 months ago

      I’ve been intrigued by this, the only source I’ve seen about the Lemmy devs being tankies is one user posting on Mastodon that they reported quite pretty despicable tankie comments on that instance, and the Lemmy devs (who also admin the instance) refused to take them down. Which I would get and I don’t think it makes them agree with the comments, in the “I disapprove of what you say but I will fight to the death your right to say it” kinda way.

      Was there anything else? This is the first I hear of them actually removing content.

        11 months ago

        I mean, all you have to do is click on Dessalines’ profile, his banner image is Chairman Mao. He also posted on reddit years ago removed that r/Socialism banned him for his beliefs, which of course were posting LaRouche cult nazbol nonsense and genocide denial. It’s all right there on Google dude. Plus you can see removals on the mod logs.