I’m new to the fediverse, and so far, I have been seeing some situations from lemmy instances rejecting users to defederating from others, but I ask myself: what can be done if trolls or bots come from self-hosted single-user instances?

  • @naoseiquemsouOP
    211 months ago

    Can it be practical if several instances get created programmatically?

    • @Gsus4@lemmy.one
      1411 months ago

      Well, if we had a DDOS-like barrage of troll instances, probably a solution would be to institute a “pending federation request” for any new communities.

      • @yukichigai@lemmy.world
        611 months ago

        A reputation/trustworthiness rating for instances might be helpful too, something akin to karma but for the instance as a whole. More vulnerable communities would be able to set a minimum trust requirement for unapproved participation.

        • @OsrsNeedsF2P
          211 months ago

          Matrix was working on something similar a whole back, although it may be easier to do on Lemmy

        • @Gsus4@lemmy.one
          11 months ago

          I like that idea. It would be good to put numbers on positive community traits like trust, helpfulness, politeness, inclusiveness, innovation, etc. so that amoral analysts have something more to go on than Nusers, connections, clicks and replies when deciding what/how to monetize things. A bit like biodiversity protection…or a freedom index or HDI.

      • @naoseiquemsouOP
        411 months ago

        Looks interestsing.

        Would it be also possible to ask for a captcha on the first interactions users from new instances make?

        • @OsrsNeedsF2P
          211 months ago

          No, because they would have to solve captchas on every instance they’re federated with. You’d be solving like 29 captchas per post

      • @llama@midwest.social
        311 months ago

        This should be the default in the next Lemmy version because otherwise it’s only going to get easier for people to launch new instances and it’s going to get too overwhelming

    • tinwhiskers
      11 months ago

      I believe there is a whitelist mode, that isn’t currently enabled but in that mode new instances are defederated by default. That would be a pain to administer for all the small instances joining, so they may set some size or reputation rules to apply for federation (??). I imagine this is inevitable if automated instance spamming becomes a problem, unless some type of RBL comes in vogue for managing federation first. It may become impossible to manage manually.

      E: oh the whitelist thing may only be relevant to kbin federation, as that was the topic I saw it in. Sometimes I forget where I am :-/

      • @russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net
        111 months ago

        E: oh the white list thing may only be relevant to kbin federation, as that was the topic I saw it in. Sometimes I forget where I am :-/

        No, you were correct - Lemmy’s admin settings has an Allowed Instances setting, which acts as an allowlist for federation. If you put an instance (or more, separated by ,'s) then your instance will only federate with the ones specified in that list.