I am felt up with my Game Service shared provider’s billing policies and I seriously trying to consider all options/help i might be able to get. Including trying to just rent a suitable VPS instead…

Does anybody know anything else that might help me runs Minetest gaming servers? Or anybody here who might be able help me sort this out?

Thanks you very much in advance!

  • @poVoq
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @DBGamerOP
      3 years ago

      I am just looking for GUI based so I can be considerably more productive than Tmux, nano and all of that jazz. It’s considerably easier for me to open a web page and see the console, power controls, file manager, edit on the fly, etc.

      For instance i find it a bit frustrating that I gotta…

      1. Login the VPS
      2. Change to user
      3. run systemctl

      Just to cut the power or to start it back up…

      Editing a file?

      1. Log into VPS
      2. change to user
      3. cd your way to file
      4. nano into file
      5. enter into desired line
      6. keep on pushing backspace until what’s there is gone
      7. Finally be able to input your changes

      On a GUI I can do the above with a number of reduced steps.

      And it does matter since I am usually making changes to the game server often (once or twice daily usually). I can also switch to console, game’s server resources, etc in a few mouse clicks. Instead of figuring out what’s linux commands I gotta do to get there, what’s packages I need, etc etc etc.

      • @poVoq
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • @DBGamerOP
          23 years ago

          Interesting, the docs are confusing though even in https://documentation.portainer.io/v2.0/deploy/ceinstalldocker/ it doesn’t seems to explains standalones clearly. I am confused if I would need both a “standalone” host or if I would need to also install the agent? If I do does the agent needs to installed on yet another VPS?

          • @ajz
            2 years ago

            deleted by creator

            • @DBGamerOP
              13 years ago

              Indeed, it does seems complicated to get a SSL going. As it doesn’t even seems like it will do a self sign by default?

              • @ajz
                2 years ago

                deleted by creator

                • @ajz
                  2 years ago

                  deleted by creator

                  • @DBGamerOP
                    33 years ago

                    That is also interesting but I am still confused on how would either Let’s Encrypt/this would be used so that Portainer can use these. Since it gotta be in a certain place right?

                • @DBGamerOP
                  13 years ago

                  Indeed now of days I don’t think certbot is that hard to run as you can tell it to do it as a temporary web server. So you can skip some steps. However I don’t know what to do with the cert once it been provisioned by Let’s Encrypt so that Portainer “can use it”.

      • @nutomicA
        3 years ago

        If you usually make the same changes, or edit the same files, you can automate the deployment with Ansible. Then the steps are basically:

        1. edit file locally (with graphical editor or whatever you want)
        2. commit to git (optional)
        3. run ansible-playbook your-playbook.yml

        You can also write a playbook to start/stop the service (and even add a desktop shortcut to execute that).

        How Ansible works

        • @DBGamerOP
          33 years ago

          Indeed, still when I need to edit that one mod or whatever it can be complicated as is already to set this up. Thanks for sharing this interesting approach though.