• Halce
    113 years ago

    So you think it’s not legitimate for them to urge a probe, but it is legitimate for western countries (mainly the US/UK) to urge similar probes around ‘human rights concerns’ into the conduct of China, and Russia?

    • Elbullazul
      73 years ago

      Unless I’m missing something, Canada isn’t currently re-educating minorities at the moment. Although natives aren’t really treated very well by the government

      • Halce
        43 years ago

        This was apparently going on until the 1970s, and even 1990s. Fairly recent, I think.

      • @ksynwa
        43 years ago

        Yes they are indeed not treated very well by the government

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        -53 years ago

        True, there is no re-education, they all just get drugged, dragged and jobbed.

    • @Ripuli
      -83 years ago

      It’s obviously a move from China to go “no u”. A probe would be great but historic bad treatment and even genocide isn’t quite the same as ongoing one.

      It’s hard to take this call for a probe from China seriously because of that.

      • @nutomicOPA
        73 years ago

        If Canada is so concerned about genocide, they should lead by example and allow a thorough examination of their own crimes, before they point the fingers at others. Otherwise its just hypocrisy and double standards.

        • @Ripuli
          -43 years ago

          Absolutely but also China is doing the exact same thing, pointing fingers at Canada’s past while they’re doing the same right now. It’s hypocrisy all around.