I don’t mean to be pessimistic, bit since most subreddits are only going dark for a couple days, the site will basically be back to normal soon. I wonder how many users here are only here because of temporary outrage and not because they actually prefer Lemmy. I’m curious about people’s outlook on this situation.


Edit: Wow this blew up!

Edit 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Edit 3: RIP my inbox! I can’t believe this made /r/all!

Edit 4: We did it Reddit! Lemmy!

  • SJTheGreat06
    511 months ago

    Hmm, well, as for me, I’ve already deleted my Reddit account, and now I’ve permanently switched to Lemmy. The community here is genuinely pleasant, unlike the experience I had on Reddit where my questions and comments were often deleted. The people here are not only nice but also genuinely helpful! It’s such a delightful place to be, and I feel a strong desire to remain here indefinitely.

    I tend to be more of a lurker than an active participant, primarily because I fear that my opinions and views might be suppressed due to internet censorship. However, in this community, I can freely express myself without any apprehension (as long as I adhere to the rules).