I remember several years ago r/Casual Conversation was brimming with interesting and candid discussion. As it gained more and more traction I saw it go through the same evolution that killed r/IAmA and r/askreddit. More popularity means more traffic, more traffic means more posts, more posts means stricter moderating, stricter moderating means less “casual” posts. Before long it was just another upvote machine, and that’s when I dipped out.

So having said that, how is your morning going? Did you do anything cool this weekend?

  • nivenkos
    1 year ago

    It’s much better than BOTW IMO - like BOTW feels like a beta in comparison. Obviously one huge point is all the contraptions and stuff you can create (and the awesome boss fights it allows), but even just the open world feels so much more fleshed out and a bit more like the earlier Zelda games.

    I’m not really a huge Zelda fan though (aside from Ocarina of Time), but it’s been the best game I’ve played in years so far. I think only The Witcher 3 felt similar recently. There’s still Starfield and BG3 to look forward to this year too!