Specially the ones where you have to find stuff.

I usually attempt and manage to get them without looking up any info, but other times I miss something and I don’t want to go thru the tedious process of re-combing whole sections of the levels, or even starting over, just to find some stupid note that I overlooked. Yet, I want the achievement, so I end up looking a guide and I feel like I haven’t truly earned the achievent.

Yes, I know that playing a videogame shouldn’t become a task and that I simply should play it the way I enjoy it the most, but I want too see what others think.

  • selokichtli
    11 months ago

    Totally okay if the game is endless like RDR2, for example. Now, Journey, on the other hand, feels more organic to just explore the possibilities. Depends of two things for me, his much I enjoy the game and if there is another one waiting for my attention.