It would be an interesting shot across the bow to corporate controlled social media to show opensource, open access social medias growth. I’m sure its in an exponential phase. It also would seem important to the community to know. Is there a way to query across the fediverse to look at user numbers?

  • @fomo_eroticOP
    211 months ago

    Ah. That makes more sense. So those were media moments where it got a lot of attention maybe?

    • BrooklynMan
      11 months ago

      honestly, i’m new here, so i wasn’t around during the dips. as such, I can’t offer insight into that, but that spike at the end? Christian Selig, developer/former developer of Apollo - with his post about Reddit’s API change - is personally responsible for that, lol. I mean… you could argue that Reddit’s ownership is responsible for it, but that’s just splitting hairs, I think.

      edit: Christian, in no way, has sponsored (or to my knowledge even mentioned) Lemmy, it was just what sparked the Reddexit.

    • @pancake
      111 months ago

      No, I don’t recall any increase in activity then, it must be a glitch.