Might be helpful to f-droid users to know what others are installing so here’s some of mine.

Web & email

  • Fennec basically firefox for android with proprietary blobs removed

  • K-9 Mail

social networking apps

  • Fedilab to browse mastodon, find it’s long press options really convenient for accounts across multiple instances. You can also use it for stuff like friendica but I find that awkward since it’s still using a UI meant for twitter-likes.

  • lemmur for lemmy and RedReader for Reddit

media/document viewers

  • NewPipe to stream youtube.

  • AntennaPod to subscribe and listen to podcasts

  • VLC, the Swiss army knife of media playback. Can play pretty much any local file and supports streaming(IPTV and the like) via m3u files.

  • Librera PRO for epubs, PDF, cbz ect

Misc android utils

  • AnySoftKeyboard virtual keyboard/ime with suggestions

  • Apk Extractor

  • Aurora Store to update webview

  • G-Droid an f-droid client with a UI I like and it supports reviews via a mastodon account.

  • KDE Connect for various linux desktop integration things

  • Lawnchair is what I use as my home screen app

  • Material Files file manager, find it to be more stable than amaze and it can extract several varieties of tar.* files as well as compressing 7z/tar.xz/zip.

  • RHVoice tts engine with English and Russian support and TTS Util which I can input text which RHVoice will use

  • Termux terminal emulator with packages


Post made using List My Apps and Markor

  • @cheer
    83 years ago

    For email, FairEmail’s gotta be my favorite mobile client. It’s much more polished and has a better interface than K9 imo.

    I don’t really like the interface of the official F-Droid app or Aurora Store, so I use FoxyDroid instead.

    To help me study Japanese, I use Hibi to keep a journal, and Goodtime as a pomodoro timer. I also use AnkiDroid when I’m away from my computer.

    I use Husky to keep up with my Pleroma account, and Infinity to look at Reddit. QKSMS and Simple Gallery replace my stock apps.

    There’s also the Arch Forums app and Deedum, used for browsing gemini sites, that I browse from time to time.

    • SeerLite
      43 years ago

      Foxy is really great! Has worked on most of my devices without trouble (whereas F-Droid and Aurora always had some bug). I haven’t tried G-Droid from OP though.

    • DessalinesA
      33 years ago

      Fairemail is my favorite too.