• @thetablesareorange@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    ummm he still knew how to read? 2pac went to school for the arts ffs, and was doing plays and reading hamlet in high school … I’m telling you I’m a tupac fan I know his music, I don’t mean I know one or two songs and kind of like the melodies, I mean have a good 20 or so memorized by heart, Biggie too. I’m telling you he was not a communist, and likely didn’t even know the definition of the word. Maybe you can connect some values of his to communism, like the thousands of references to jesus and the bible that he constantly made? some of those can kind of be connected to communism… probably buddhism too maybe he was a buddhist? maybe thats why the illuminati turned him into a vampire zombie? I’m assuming thats the kind deranged things you actually do believe without a single shred of proof

          • you’re aware white people call black people communists just for existing in America, right? thats not a 4 letter word in the black community like it is for white americans.

                • SovereignState
                  1 year ago


                  "I see no changes, wake up in the morning and I ask myself Is life worth livin’? Should I blast myself? I’m tired of bein’ poor and, even worse, I’m black My stomach hurts so I’m lookin’ for a purse to snatch Cops give a damn about a negro Pull the trigger, kill a nigga, he’s a hero Give the crack to the kids, who the hell cares? One less hungry mouth on the welfare First ship 'em dope and let 'em deal to brothers Give 'em guns, step back, watch 'em kill each other “It’s time to fight back, " that’s what Huey said Two shots in the dark, now Huey’s dead”

                  • again the black panthers were not outright communists… anything about capitalism, references to marx, soviet russia, Mao? anything like that? just the words bourgeoisie or proletariat even once?

                  • no? how about the hours and hours of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about the freemasons and illuminati that likely inspired his band mate to name himself after mussolini?