I installed this yesterday. It’s not great. 29% of all power used goes to it. It’s getting removed as we speak.

  • Sr Estegosaurio
    71 year ago

    Signal alternative to SMS? What has Signal to do with SimpleX?

    • @imgprojtsOP
      31 year ago

      It was an earlier post where simplex was a recommended solution. I tried it and wanted to reply to that with this picture, but I couldn’t so I posted with a similar title.

    • @OsrsNeedsF2P
      31 year ago

      People were recommending SimpleX as an alternative messenger that’s encrypted-by-default, but falls back to SMS when the other person doesn’t have it

        • @kendbi@szmer.info
          21 year ago

          First time I hear about it as well. As far as I know Simplex doesn’t use phone numbers (or any identifiers for that matter). It can be alternative for signal but it will not help if you need SMS app.

          • bkrl
            1 year ago

            SimpleX do not use shit communication tool like sms. Why should it must use them since it is born to replace them?

            • thehellboy
              21 year ago

              @bkrl @kendbi because older people would use it instead of private messages on another app that they do not know how to use and configure. If you want to keep your privacy, you need that all of the people that contact you, do it through a secure app and channel.
              With signal using the SMS and calls that would work for older people to just use one app to do it all.

      • bkrl
        11 year ago

        It is a natural selection.