I’m currently using “OpenVPN for Android”, and it mostly works, but the UI is very dated and hard to use (I can’t figure out how to delete a VPN profile), and crashes if it goes into split screen mode. Is there a better open source VPN client for Android that supports OpenVPN or Wireguard configuration files?

  • DessalinesA
    83 years ago

    The best wireguard app at least is the one made by them, I think just called wireguard for android. Not sure about openvpn but sometimes your provider will have apps.

    • @onlooker
      53 years ago

      Can confirm, it’s just called Wireguard and it’s on F-Droid to boot. It’s also ridiculously more battery friendly than OpenVPN. OpenVPN will devour your battery in a matter of hours.

      • DessalinesA
        43 years ago

        Yuuup. I will not go back to openVPN, wireguard spoiled me.