• PP44
    3 years ago

    I once again I mostly agree with your critics here. Those are valid critics if such a question. But I would not go as far as you do. You talk about “burden”, but nobody is forced to engage in a discussion they don’t see as useful. And all the details needed to be able to even start a discussions about the subject launch can be the focus of the discussion if anyone would like it to be.

    Even this discussion we are having about what is a valid way to ask about something is something interesting, and I’m sure OP is OK with people getting so far off.

    This situation is different from someone “hijacking” a specific conversation, if this conversation was started by people that wanted to tackle a specific issue.

    Anyway, this question is, I agree, impossible to answer here in a few word. I would need a whole book or even a career to study it. I am both unable and unwilling to give an6 relevant answer on it, that is OK. But if someone want to shower OP with pertinent sources, or interesting critisicm, I am perfectly OK with it !