• ☭CommieWolf☆
        82 years ago

        Keep in mind that most of the training data for these networks is overwhelmingly white people, you’ll rarely come across so many convincing looking Asian faces.

        • Well the first the sourcing of all of this. Some “anonymous” source who hacked police databases just happened to send these files to Adrian Zenz of all people, what a cowinkidink scooby!

          I heard some people say there were parts of the “data” where different traditional and simplified chinese letters were being used together, though I don’t speak chinese so I’m not sure how significant that is. Even then, it’s interesting to speculate on, but probably not very convincing to normies and certainly shouldn’t be the basis of our understanding of these documents.

          Alot of the interpretations of what happened in these documents (assuming they are all real, which is giving alot of trust) are so vague and not contextualized at all. We know there was a rash of saudi fueled extremism in the region, and alot of the major outlets are repeating lines about what some of the charges were. Like one person was charged with “going to a Muslim majority country” and another was “charged with reading scripture”. But it’s like…that doesn’t really tell me alot on it’s own. Did the person who travelled go to like…Syria? Afghanistan? Saudi Arabia? What were they doing there? Was the person reading who was “reading scripture” just reading the quran or could it be possible that they were reading Wahabi scripture? All of the details are curiously left out.

          • My understanding was that, if these documents are genuine, it’s likely that this is just a normal prison and the people who published the documents may be leaving out important details about what the people were charged with + they claim that this is one of the vocational schools created a few years ago rather than a prison for actual criminals. Is this basically what you’re saying?

            I was more curious if anyone had actually identified blatant contradictions, like with Tursunay Ziyawudun (although it’s only been a few days since this was published, AFAICT, so it makes sense)

            • it’s likely that this is just a normal prison and the people who published the documents may be leaving out important details about what the people were charged with + they claim that this is one of the vocational schools created a few years ago rather than a prison for actual criminals

              Mhm! There were also pictures and videos from inside prisons, but I imagine those are reserved for the people who have reason to be there. Alot of it is just kinda suggestively put together to create some aha gotcha gimmick. Like at one point, there was a video of guards with guns with no clips…I mean, yeah you have proof of…a prison drill? Okay?

              As far as contradictions go, I guess they’ll emerge in the coming weeks, but this certainly doesn’t add anything new to our understanding of what’s happening.

          • DankZedong
            92 years ago

            The thing with the letters was that he mixed arab, Chinese and Kanji (Japanese). Now, the arabic can be explained by the Uyghurs being muslim but the Kanji is really out of place.

    • @aworldtowin
      82 years ago

      I don’t think you’d be able to tell, AI generated human faces look just as real. There is a website that generates human faces with AI that shows how real and easy it is now, but I can’t remember what it’s called.

      • Black AOC
        2 years ago

        You’re thinking of “this is not a real person”; and even that AI generator makes some egregious mistakes. Like, ‘hat pieces made of flesh’ type mistakes. If these are AI-generated, that means somebody really sat at photoshop for at least a week retouching an entire cache of eldritch monstrosities into something the human eye would naturally skim as a human.

    • Amicese
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator