• @aworldtowin
    412 years ago

    Yemen- over 300k+ dead last I saw Palestine- genocide is so bad the median life is now about 18. Yes, the median age is still a fucking kid.

    You have to think brown people are literally sub human to even entertain this idea for a second. Like what the actual fuck. That isn’t even to mention that fact that this conflict with Ukraine would NOT happen without NATO intervention. Saying settler colonial genocide doesn’t come close to what Russia is doing right now. Actual genocide. Wow.

    • @JohnBrownEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      You have to think brown people are literally subhuman to even entertain this idea

      Oh, and it’s not like they actually give a shit about Ukrainians. Westerners only sympathize with Eastern Europeans either if it’s convenient or if an Eastern European country does things they like.

      Ukraine, for being a good western pawn, gets called “relatively civilized, relatively European”, while the Russians are actually Oriental hordes.

    • @gun
      62 years ago

      Where do you find median life expectancy in palestine is 18? Not trying to challenge you or anything, just when I try to look it up I only get search results that tell me how good things are in palestine.

      • @aworldtowin
        62 years ago

        Median age, not life expectancy. Median age is not inherently related to death, it’s just saying if you took the median of all the people’s ages in Palestine the result is 18 or so. Looking into the stats more, from 1997-2017 or so the median age was just 17 with the recent numbers being 19-20ish, and it dropping down to 14.8 years in 1998 being a low point. (https://www.ceicdata.com/en/palestinian-territory-occupied/vital-statistics/median-age-gaza-strip). For reference, the median age in Japan is 48.4 years, with the US sitting around 38 years.

        “State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) Median Age: Gaza Strip data was reported at 19.100 Year in 2018. This stayed constant from the previous number of 19.100 Year for 2017. State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) Median Age: Gaza Strip data is updated yearly, averaging 17.000 Year from Dec 1997 to 2018, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 19.100 Year in 2018 and a record low of 14.800 Year in 1998. State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) Median Age: Gaza Strip data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) – Table PS.G002: Vital Statistics.”

        • @gun
          32 years ago

          Oh I see. So if I’m understanding it correctly, if the median age is 18, then half of the population is younger than 18 and are minors. Wow.