• @brombek
    54 years ago

    Facebook’s entire business model relies on being able to easily and quickly transfer data across the globe so that it can better target users with ads. By disrupting that flow of data, the EU is threatening Facebook’s revenue potential, and as this lawsuit shows, that is something the company takes very seriously indeed.

    It is not about any data transfer but, data transfer that is incompatible with GDPR, so transfer for unintended (from user perspective) use, that is spying for ad targeting and NSA level use. Social networks can exist that are GDPR compliant but not by Surveillance Capitalist based companies.

    Cunnane also complains that Facebook is being singled out, noting no other big tech company using similar methods to transfer data to the U.S. from the EU is under the same scrutiny.

    Yes, Cunnane is right! We need to add Google, MS, Amazon etc. to the suit! FB is a good start though.