Is there anything similar to a QR code that works offline?

Say I have a flyer that I want to discreetly distribute and there is no internet.

Is there something like a QR code that contains the data itself and not just a URL?

This way someone with no data plan could scan the icon/code with an app and the unrecognizable bits and bytes from the icon/code would show up on their screen as a .JPEG of a flyer or something.

  • @GmorkOP
    32 years ago

    That’s good to hear. I have seen plain text mention but have not I figured out how to achieve that. I have made several QR codes that link to URLs. Perhaps I need to try another program.

    I was hoping for something a little more like a JPEG so I can put whatever I wanted into it, but worst case scenario sounds like I can go old school with plain text and ascii art. 🙃

    • @GmorkOP
      22 years ago

      Looks like I’m having a similar issue to Tryp.

      I found a program that lets me input text as a QR code but when it is scanned the text opens in the search box of my browser.

      Everything is displayed in linear fashion and not organized as I type it.

        • @GmorkOP
          12 years ago

          That looks excellent!

          It does not look like it is on the F-Droid store but I’ll check out your Google Play link. Thanks a lot.