This is not a question about if you think it is possible, or not.

This is a question about your own will and desires. If there was a vote and you had a ballot in your hand, what will you vote? Do you want Artificial Intelligence to exist, do you not, maybe do you not care?

Here I define Artificial Intelligence as something created by humans that is capable of rational thinking, that is creative, that it’s self aware and have consciousness. All that with the processing power of computers behind it.

As for the important question that would arise of “Who is creating this AI?”, I’m not that focused on the first AI created, as it’s supposed that with time multiple AI will be created by multiple entities. The question would be if you want this process to start or not.

  • 𒉀TheGuyTM3𒉁
    1 month ago

    Not nessessarilly relevant to the question, but i personally would call such a thing capable of rationnal thinking “digital conciousness” to differentiate it from the AI we use now.

    I don’t want to see this type of thing coming because i know people will find out how to use it in horrible ways.

    Honestly, i don’t even see the interest for companies to create such a thing, because our emotions and consciousness are the things that make us imperfect, and so, human.

    They just want a performant and perfect thing.

    (But yes if it is open source, for… making friends)