I think it would be the ultimate captcha. Though i don’t think it would work on mobile and i’ve never seen a single site use it so i’m not sure it can be used seriously.
Am a lil optimist folk that likes computers :3 ヰ
I think it would be the ultimate captcha. Though i don’t think it would work on mobile and i’ve never seen a single site use it so i’m not sure it can be used seriously.
In a world, i imagine that like nikolado glow up, Trump would one day say it was all prank and reveal its true face and do revolutionnary things that would benefit the world and place him as the most respected president, but i must have weird troughs
I’d chose telekinesis. Heck man i’m sick of having only 2 hands and i’m lazy. I’m ready to use it everytime.
The dream of engineers: they can’t get sick so no depression, they don’t need to sleep so infinite focus and learning, and half a million years would be sufficient to build a large underground automated city and preparing space travel to find solutions for their curse
Man i miss log books like in pokemon platine (a thing that recall the 20 last actions you did before you saved when you load a save)
To stop juging by looking: it’s not because i have a neutral expression that i am not enjoying the moment, it’s not because i am silent that i am not listening to you and it’s not because i don’t talk to you that i don’t care about you.
Also, people often forget how hard it is for people with ADHD to make a coherent structure when writing a long essay or doing a presentation.
Sometimes, i know i have work to do, i know i have a project i’m doing, but i just can’t. It can look like i’m lazy, but even i am desesperate in moments like theses. I can understand why people don’t get that.
Shapeshifter, telekinesis and magic. Efficiency and modularity. And i’m lazy.
Hey! It’s the guy who did the killing of Jerry Danson the CEO of Heartchair on april 12th !!!
alright the music is this (hatsune miku says “I love you” a hundred times)
Not nessessarilly relevant to the question, but i personally would call such a thing capable of rationnal thinking “digital conciousness” to differentiate it from the AI we use now.
I don’t want to see this type of thing coming because i know people will find out how to use it in horrible ways.
Honestly, i don’t even see the interest for companies to create such a thing, because our emotions and consciousness are the things that make us imperfect, and so, human.
They just want a performant and perfect thing.
(But yes if it is open source, for… making friends)
I don’t care about all the politics and shit regarding instances, i just want to use lemmy :(
That was one of the best Touhou doujinshi I have read so far, there’s so much attention, from the colors to the explanations :0
I don’t think bending the instrument is a good idea, i just move my cheeks, tongue and throat in a way that the air flux bend the pins to change the tone. More info here
Recently learned how to bend some notes of an harmonica. It’s very complex to have the good mouth position, but it comes with practice i guess.
It’s weird but the amount of natural numbers is “countable” if you had infinite time and patience, you could count “1,2,3…” to infinity. It is the countable infinity.
The amount of numbers between 1 and 2 is not countable. No matter what strategies you use, there will always be numbers that you miss. It’s like counting the numbers of points in a line, you can always find more even at infinity. It is the uncountable infinity.
I greatly recommand you the hilbert’s infinite hotel problem, you can find videos about it on youtube, it covers this question.
I don’t know how she woud react to the entire ratchet & clank OST so I probably wouldn’t show her this.
How to stop being annoyed by parents
Here is a recipe for stopping being annoyed by your parents:
------ Requirements ------
-A Screwdriver
-A lithium-ion battery (charged)
-A room with nobody inside
------ Recipe ------
1 - put the charged battery on the floor, and then smash it several times with the screwdriver
2 - Eventually, a sweet smoke should leave the battery, don’t worry, it is the devil making its venue.
3 - Once the devil has appeared, ask him to stop being annoyed by your parents, it will accept kindly.
4 - Enjoy!
5 - Doge the fire!
I think unisex toilets are necessary for changing tables (the table for changing diapers of babies). Out of the two genred bathrooms i’ve seen, i’ve rarely seen a changing table accessible to men (often only in women toilets). It makes awkward situations, which does not take place if there is a unisex room to do this.