Inspired by this.

I’ve been trying to remember a song for months now. It had a really well made animated video, probably sort of in the style of Cuphead. I seem to recall a cartoon wolf in it. The theme of the song was about this unspecified thing that was “gonna to make you go boom!” and stuff like that.

The video was the really memorable part, the song itself not so much, which makes it all the harder to google for. I think it was French.

“It’s gonna make you… do x y z”… sorry I don’t have much more.

  • LalSalaamComrade
    1 month ago

    What was the genre of the music? Was it future house? Or some type of speech-singing jazz? So far with the clues, I was able to find SIAMÉS “The Wolf”, but it’s probably not what you’re looking for.