For a shameless toy commercial cartoon, MASK had a pretty slappin intro theme
Let me guess, it is so USA could slap a base there?
Indeed, the Zionist ‘Wahhabi’ project
I’m sorry, must have been living under a rock, but are wahhabis zionists now?
Weapons manufacturing corporations
Funny one: Psi-Ops
To which bit?
Well poop, have I had adhd all along?
What do they even do with those profits? Doesn’t look like they’re refurbishing the infrastructure (inb4 that new pipe to China - not what I meant). Doesn’t look like they’re investing much into those online platforms they own. Is it just the same “buying real estate in Europe”, but now extra hush-hush?
Europe is entirely dependent on the US militarily
To do what, exactly? Defend them against the hypothetical Russian invasion? That was hardly in the books. Exercise force in defence of colonial interests? France been doing that by themselves just fine (until recently). If anything, US military presence in Europe seems to be for the benefit of USA and USA alone
Makes me wonder what will happen should China fully switch to renewables and nuclear, as seems to be the plan
Will try, thanks!
Much obliged!
As in unavailable in my country. Won’t say for personal reasons
Went to check vpns. Of those listed the only one not blocked is IVPN, and even that is under question as I haven’t proceeded past the plan selection. Woot.
Looked it up and it sounds horrendous. Thank you for new knowledge and good luck with that thing
Very well put, thank you!
Also, sugar is addictive. Like meth or heroin, people struggle with letting it go.
Don’t I know it
please don’t buy so much junk food…why? because you have diabetes
This one hit too close to home. My mum has diabetes, dad is close to it, I can’t get them to stop eating sweets
And yet no fraggings of draft enforcers. Schade.