Its a pretty good minecraft replacement. The LotR mod is pretty amazing, along with mineclone2, and they have some automation mods as well.

  • @gravity
    4 years ago

    I heard of Minetest a while back, it looked pretty alpha. Looking at it now it looks really good, I’ll have to try it. I’d love a game that can recreate the Minecraft experience but be FOSS. If it’s a pretty similar clone of Minecraft, I’d be happy.

    Edit: Hmm, it is definitely missing a lot compared to Minecraft, as a game on it’s own it seems like it’d be great. But I cannot help but compare it to Minecraft and unfortunately it just does not seem to be there yet. Animations are not similar, it’s missing a ton of the content Minecraft currently has. It feels like an early version of Minecraft, which is understandable but I don’t know if I can ever say I’d play this when Minecraft exists. Which is a shame because I want to like it, but eh. It needs work.

    • @abbenm
      44 years ago

      As the other person says, it’s modular by design. It has tonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnss of mods, that make it equal to, or much more feature rich than vanilla minecraft. It’s just a matter of a learning curve, finding the things you want and loading them in.

      • @gravity
        34 years ago

        Yes of course, it’s just finding those mods to make it equal to Minecraft. And that is given it has the mods to re-create that experience, and stay fairly up to date. Again, I haven’t looked too deep into it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone made a modpack which is essentially a collection of mods to clone Minecraft.

    • @pavot
      3 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • @gravity
        24 years ago

        I kinda figured that, maybe I’d be interested if there was a multiplayer server where it was a clone of Minecraft. I didn’t really look into the mods much. I figured you can change the texture pack, but that doesn’t do a whole lot. I’ll have to look more.

          • @GaussNoiseOP
            24 years ago

            With I believe >v5.x, contentDB is baked directly in the game launcher. So all you have to do is go to the content tab and download mods with their deps without ever leaving the game.

          • @gravity
            24 years ago

            Thank you, yeah I don’t really like creative mode. I’ll definitely look around, I’m sure Minetest is great with friends. Thank you!

    • @onlooker
      24 years ago

      As others have pointed out, Minetest itself is basically just an engine. To have actual fun, you need to download a “game” for Minetest. There was a big debate on the Minetest forum some time ago, discussing whether Minetest should come with a game preinstalled or not. Reason being, new players are usually not aware of game modules and default Minetest - let’s be honest - is kind of boring and tends to drive them away. Personally, I feel like this is still a problem. But anyway.

      Give Lord of the Test a shot. I’ve had reasonable amounts of fun with it. It’s not Minecraft, but rather its own thing. I rather liked it.