This is why I don’t understand how the “small gov” people are against mask. If anything they aid in confusing facial recognition, which one would assume they are in favor of…

  • @GaussNoiseOP
    4 years ago

    Sure, but one has to weigh everyone’s right to not be inflected vs some else’s “right not to wear maks”.

    In either case it is mainly enforced by private business with the exception of states that implemented a fine (which can have so many exceptions I can’t forsee anyone really being charged).

    I should ask, do you think the government has no authority to enforce such a requirement, I.e. its illegal or that the very concept of gov enforcement of any rule/law is wrong.

      • @GaussNoiseOP
        24 years ago

        The government has to do something. They are responsible for public health after all.

          • @GaussNoiseOP
            34 years ago

            It is their responsibility. At a very basic level the government exist to enforce contracts between individuals and to prevent the rights of one person from trampling that of others. E.g. you can’t just burn tires on your property, since your neighbors will be the ones breathing in toxic air.

            Short of being an anarchists one can agree to that. If you are that’s fine, but then we disagree on fundamental principals.

          • @couldbeanybody
            04 years ago

            I agree in principal, but in our society TODAY the government is the only entity responsible for many things that would have to be solved otherwise and as a quick fix in a crisis I believe that forcing people to wear a mask in certain situations to stop the spreading of a virus that’s on the cusp of halting our economy and taking every imaginable freedom from us is a-okay.

            That was just 1 sentence.

              • @couldbeanybody
                24 years ago

                Scandinavia did do lockdown for a while and they culturally live very separate already in many places.