This should help us cut down on the trolls. We recommend other instances do the same, because they will likely be targeted also.

I apologize for all their gore-posts as well, no one should have to see that. We’ll try to look for more admins from different time-zones as well to get them faster.

The two other possibilities we have currently as options, are turning on required email verification, and as a last resort, closing signups. I personally would rather not do either, but they are options.

Many thanks to and for banning those trolls.

  • @OsrsNeedsF2P
    02 years ago

    The account registration UX is bad enough, why make it worse?

    • Bilb!
      72 years ago

      The first five words of the title

    • Tmpod
      22 years ago

      Would be nice to hear why you think it’s bad and how to improve it. Could you open an issue on the tracker?