    3 years ago

    Linus Cringe Tips … annoying breathing noise.

    Dowvote because he is and never will be a Linux user. The whole thing was made to bait the crap out of it, and kids fall for it, which is hardly a surprise given the fact that the average YouTube consumer has an IQ below 100. The good YouTuber and Videos have maybe below 1000 subs and clicks because most people cannot comprehend good and deep in-depth videos. There are as always, rare exceptions, of course.

    The entire thing is like Bill Gates advertising or trying Linux, nothing but for the clicks, people would be curious to see what his opinions are and what he has to say, just because he has celebrity status.

    Linux was always ready for gaming, can we ditch that stereotype once and for all. Developers, drivers are the problems and that is not a Linux issue. There is not even a GoG Client for Linux, it is like saying, oh look nothing works, well no shit Sherlock, if there are no official clients. And even then you still can workaround this by using Wine to make it run, which is impressive.

    There are alone in Steam around 2000+ games, this is more than you can play in your entire life, so claiming there are no games or what is nothing but cringe. The main argument is, but but there are no triple A games, well if they make exclusive deals with Microsoft of course they will not support Linux. Then there is the DRM issue, which is already semi-fixed and even then Game publisher still avoiding Linux like hell, again this is all not news, not new and this is not a Linux issue at all.

      • sj_zero@lotide.fbxl.net
        3 years ago

        I think it’s fair to say that a gamer should plan on running windows on their main gaming PC. OTOH, if you have other computers that are mostly for other things and a little gaming on the side, linux is a great option.

        I’ve got a high test gaming laptop with an RTX graphics chip, it makes no sense to make my life harder by moving to linux on here and trying to run my applications and games on it. However, I’ve got a number of laptops with older specs that I don’t intend to fully use as gaming laptops, and gaming on linux is good enough that I can enjoy a game now and again while still getting the benefits of linux on these older systems.