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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2019


  • I came from a family of military men. My father was army. His older brother guarded nuclear test sites and witnesses several detonations with his own eyes. I had a grand-uncle who died at Pearl Harbor. I fully get what you mean by the militaty culture. I was well on track to join the military. My ASVAB score had the recruiters fighting to make me their officer.

    Then I met a man who served two volunteer tours in Vietnam. One of those guys who figured out how to fly copters in war the hard way. Just before graduating highschool he sat me down and chatted about my military goals. I will never forget this moment for as long as I live, but at one point he got dead serious. Looked me square in the eyes and went full Colonel mode. "You need to understand one thing I had to learn the hard way. If you persue hhis life you want in the military, have absolutely zero doubt that you will be a trained killer whose sole function is to kill whoever you are told to. If you can square that with your conscience, then you have my blessing. If not, then I suggest you do something else. "

    His words hit deep. I never joined up and I’m glad for it