The decentralization of Single Sign-on seems like a natural step in improving usability and accessability of the fediverse. It will require a lot less account and make it far easier to interact with content. Are there anybody working on this?

  • @poVoq
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @Kroktann
    83 years ago

    Isn’t this exactly what OpenID Connect is/was all about? Afaik this is still the protocol behind the “log in with facebook/google/github” options you find on many websites, but it can be a fully decentralised authentication scheme if they’d only let users type in their own identity url.

    • @poVoq
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @Kroktann
        13 years ago

        I don’t disagree with that, but there’s nothing preventing anybody from setting up their own OIDC service, and for sites to accept any OIDC provider rather than just a couple of giant ones.

        And yeah, the Hubzilla Magicauth is really nice! Not sure how easy it is to apply it to other uses than Hubzilla/zot though. Could be worth exploring.

  • @adrianmalacoda
    23 years ago

    This was a pet project of mine a few years back, but unfortunately I left it behind due to eventual lack of interest and life concerns. If I recall correctly, it worked as an IndieAuth provider and supported logging in with a local account, another IndieAuth provider, OpenID Connect, or Mastodon account.

    • Vegafjord eoOP
      23 years ago

      Yeah, but my grandma isn’t too keen on using password managers.